OPC UA Stack 3.7.0

Apr 01, 2019

OPC UA Stack 3.7.0 released with new application API and faster Information Model

Hi everyone,

we are happy to announce that our OPC UA Stack 3.7.0 has been released.

New user application API

Probably you have already noticed that when you’re developing your application with the Stack, you are forced to type a lot of code to do simple things. Now we’ve fixed it and provided a new much more friendly API. For a instance, the write operation in a node from a user application looked so:

ServiceTransactionGetNodeReference::SPtr trx = constructSPtr<ServiceTransactionGetNodeReference>();
GetNodeReferenceRequest::SPtr req = trx->request();
GetNodeReferenceResponse::SPtr res = trx->response();

OpcUaNodeIdArray::SPtr nodeIds = constructSPtr<OpcUaNodeIdArray>();
OpcUaNodeId::SPtr greetingStringNodeId = constructSPtr<OpcUaNodeId>();
greetingStringNodeId->set(222, 1);


if (trx->statusCode() != Success) {
    Log(Error, "response error");
    return false;

NodeReference::SPtr greetingStringRef;
trx->response()->nodeReferenceArray()->get(0, greetingStringRef);
if (greetingStringRef->statusCode() != Success) {
    Log(Error, "reference error");
    return false;

auto greetingStringApplicationRef = boost::static_pointer_cast<NodeReferenceApplication>(greetingStringRef);
BaseNodeClass::WPtr greetingStringNode = greetingStringApplicationRef->baseNodeClass();

VariableNodeClass::SPtr greetingStringVar = boost::static_pointer_cast<VariableNodeClass>(greetingStringNode.lock());
if (!greetingStringVar) {
  Log(Error, "pointer error");
  return false;

OpcUaDataValue dataValue;
dataValue.variant()->setValue(OpcUaString("Hello, World!"));

Now you should do so:

GetNodeReference getNodeReference(OpcUaNodeId(222,1));
if (!getNodeReference.query(&this->service())) {
    Log(Error, "response error");
    return false;

if (getNodeReference.statuses()[0] != Success) {
    Error, "node reference error");
    return false;

auto ptr = getNodeReference.nodeReferences()[0].lock();
if (!ptr) {
    Log(Error, "node no longer exist");
    return false;

OpcUaDataValue dataValue(OpcUaString("Hello, world!"));

The code looks a bit shorter. Unfortunately, we haven’t documented all the new classes, however, you can find some examples in the related issues #59 and #65

Performance of Information Model

One of our applications had a problem with the performance at the starting. When the size of the information model became more than 200 thousand nodes, it was starting several minutes. It was unacceptable, and we refactored the information model. Now the application starts with several seconds.

See issue #120 for more information.


The OPC UA Stack is a mature project with many installations but has almost no documentation. We’re doing our best to fix it. In this release we have published some tutorials that are useful for developers without deep knowledge of OPC UA technology:

Our progress in documentation could be better, but we have no English native speaker on the team. If your native language is English and you see mistakes or ambiguous sentences, please, let us know about it. We want your documentation to help other people but not irritate them.