OPC UA Stack 3.8.0

Oct 14, 2019

OPC UA Stack 3.8.0 released with MinGW support

Hi everyone,

We are glad to announce that our OPC UA Stack 3.8.0 has been released. We’ve fixed some critical bugs and added support of MinGW. It is not automated with our build scripts yet, but you can compile your project with the following commands:

  $ mkdir build_mingw
  $ cd build_mingw
  $ cmake -G"MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..\src
  $ set DESTDIR=C:\ASNeG
  $ cmake --build . --target install

As we announced before, 3.8.0 is the last minor release of version 3. We continue fixing bugs and supporting our users for this version, but all new features are added in version 4.

For more details about the release see.